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Do you want to know if you are expecting a baby? Learn here how to take a pregnancy test online and clear all doubts.

If you think you are pregnant, have any pregnancy symptoms or even your contraceptive method has failed, you are in the right place.

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It is now possible to take a pregnancy test on your cell phone, did you know that?

That's right, technology has once again surprised us and made life easier for people who use their cell phones for practically everything.

And when we talk about health and well-being, there are a multitude of apps available to help, especially women.

So, if you think you have a baby on the way, forget that pharmacy test and take an online test right now.

Find out here how to take a pregnancy test online.


You've certainly heard about Clearblue and have even used some of the brand's products.

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Be aware that in addition to the famous pharmacy tests, Clearblue also offers an online pregnancy test that you can access via the website.

There, you will find a section entirely focused on pregnancy, with tips, questions about pregnancy, symptoms, among other important information.

It's a great option for first-time moms and even more experienced moms, who can share their tips with others.

How to take the Clearblue online test?

Follow the step by step and see how easy it is to take the online test to find out if you are expecting a baby.

  1. First, access the site from Clearblue;
  2. At the top, find the option “I'm pregnant” > “I'm pregnant – Questionnaire;
  3. Then click on “Start questionnaire”;
  4. Now, answer the test questions. In total, there are 8;
  5. When you finish the questionnaire, wait a few seconds and see the result on the screen

How does the online pregnancy test work?

When you finish the test, you receive the result of a possible pregnancy on your cell phone or computer screen.

The site uses algorithms and calculates the probability of pregnancy according to the answers provided in the questionnaire, so it is important to be honest with all of them.

This way, you will have an accuracy of up to 98% about your pregnancy and if the result is positive, you can finally start prenatal care and take care of the pregnancy.

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To take the test, you can access the website via your cell phone or computer browser, free of charge.

What are the most common symptoms in pregnancy?

There are several symptoms associated with pregnancy, but some of them are more common and occur in 90% women.

For example, nausea, increased urinary frequency, drowsiness, fatigue or tiredness, mood swings, cramps and aversion to foods and smells.

However, the main warning for a possible pregnancy is, without a doubt, a missed period. That is, of course, if you have a regulated menstrual cycle.

Therefore, at the slightest sign of a delay in menstruation and any other symptom above, take the online test and ask any questions you may have.

Final considerations

Now you know how to take an online pregnancy test and no longer need to spend money on pharmacy tests.

If this question is keeping you up at night, don't waste any more time and take the test online now on the Clearblue website.

And if the result is positive, don't forget to schedule a doctor to take care of your pregnancy.

And of course, enjoy and live this moment a lot.