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Do you want to gather your friends and sing at home? Discover the best Karaoke apps for cell phones that guarantee good laughs and fun.

These apps are great for singing alone or with others, letting your voice out and having a lot of fun.

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Some of these apps even have the option of holding competitions, so it's more fun to find out who the best singer in your group is.

Furthermore, other apps also have the option of doing duets with famous singers, recording the results of the “partnership” and even publishing them on social media.

There are several national and international songs to accompany the lyrics and release your voice.

In this article we will talk a little about these Karaoke apps and where you can find each of them to sing and have fun alone or in a group.


Smule is one of the best-known karaoke apps among amateur and professional singers.

In the app, you have the option of singing with famous singers in duets, where the screen is split in the middle. So, while you sing, watch the artist's recording, so that the duet is perfect.

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This way, you follow the lyrics and the app indicates which part of the song you should sing and which the artist will sing. Besides, of course, what you will sing together.

When you finish the song, the app gives a rating for the performance and you can share the recording on your social networks.

This option is pretty cool, isn’t it? It's the chance to sing with your favorite artist!

O Smule is available for free download for Android It is iOS.

Karaoke – Sing Without Limits

In turn, the Karaoke – Cante Sem Limites app is only available for Android system users.

The app has a huge repertoire of national and international songs, from renowned artists on the world stage.

All songs are organized by genre and categories, which makes it easier to choose which song you want to sing.

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In addition, you will find a category with the most popular songs of the moment and a search bar to find the song you want.

You can even bookmark your favorite songs and create your profile, keeping your recordings available for others to watch.

Karaoke Party

Finally, we have Karaoke Party, which has several successful international songs in its catalog for you to sing with your friends and have a party.

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When you create your profile on the app, you can invite your friends to sing with you, creating a competition to see who is the best singer.

This way, the app evaluates everyone's performance at the end of each round and automatically creates a ranking. This makes the dispute even more fun.


If you are looking for a good laugh and fun, the karaoke apps These are great options to gather friends, sing, dance and even see who is the best singer, without having to leave home.

So, choose your favorite app, get together and let your voice out!