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There are several apps to listen to the baby's heart during pregnancy directly via cell phone, without having to go to the doctor.

Hearing a baby's heartbeat is an emotional experience for any parent.

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The gentle, rhythmic sound of the developing heart brings a sense of peace and tranquility, and is often a time of great joy for the family.

Furthermore, the sound of the baby's heart is also a sign that development is progressing normally and that the baby's health is being closely monitored.

In this sense, listening to your baby's heartbeat is an important part of the pregnancy journey and is an experience that many parents will never forget.

See the 3 best apps to listen to your baby's heart

My Baby's Beat

This app is a great option for parents who want to listen to their baby's heartbeat at home.

Use your cell phone's microphone to capture the sound of the fetal heartbeat and play it back in real time.

The application has several filter options and features to improve sound quality and allow parents to share the recording with family and friends.

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Available to Android.

Baby Heartbeat Monitor 

With this app, parents can listen to their baby's heartbeat from the 20th week of pregnancy.

To do this, just use the cell phone's microphone to capture the sound of the baby's heartbeat and record the heart rate in real time.

The app also has options to record sound and even share the recordings with friends and family.

Available to Android It is iOS.


Finally, this app uses ultrasound technology to transmit the sound of your baby's heartbeat.

This way, parents just need to place the phone on their belly and the application detects the sound of the baby's heart, reproducing the sound that is music to the ears of future parents.

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Additionally, the app also has options to record and share recordings with friends and family.

Bellabeat is available for Android.


It is important to remember that these apps do not replace proper medical consultation during pregnancy.

They are just a complementary option for parents to hear the sound of their baby's heart at home and share this exciting moment.

Therefore, it is always recommended that parents discuss any concerns or questions with their doctors.

Hearing your baby's heartbeat is an exciting experience for parents, and mobile apps offer an easy and convenient way to do this at home.

While these apps are not a substitute for a proper medical evaluation, they do allow parents to share this special moment with friends and family.

After all, the baby's well-being and health are the number one priority.

That said, pregnancy is a unique and special moment, therefore, it should be enjoyed from start to finish and shared with those closest to you!