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Use a remote control app via cell phone It is a great option for changing the channel on your TV, increasing or decreasing the volume, among other functions.

They are often used to control the TV, as well as air conditioning and other electronic devices. A true technological revolution.

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So, if you're on the team that keeps losing the remote control at home and doesn't know what else to do, here's the solution.

Just have one of the apps cell phone remote control and don't worry about it anymore. These apps will help you a lot, rest assured.

Imagine how cool it would be to control your Samsung TV from your cell phone? Or LG or any other brand?

So, if this is a subject that interests you, stay tuned to this text and we will talk more about these applications.

Top 3 free remote control apps

If you want to use remote control on your cell phone, there are some app options for you. Therefore, we have separated the 3 best and most downloaded.


The first on the list is Roku, an app available for versions Android It is iOS and it will help you a lot to control your TV, change channels, increase the volume, among other actions.

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Furthermore, the app also has a search function, where you can use your cell phone's keyboard, which makes it much easier.

Universal RemoteTV

Another really cool app is Universal Remote TV, available for free download only for versions iOS.

However, contrary to what the name suggests, the app does not work on all TVs, that is, it is only compatible with Samsung and LG brands.

Remote: remote for Samsung TV

Finally, Remotie allows you to control all Samsung devices and is available for free download to Android It is iOS.

With it, you no longer need a remote control device, just use your cell phone to change channels.

How to use remote control on your cell phone?

A remote control app is a great way to control your TV, air conditioning, Alexa, among others.

So, here are some tips on how to use a remote control app on your cell phone:

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  1. Make sure your cell phone supports the remote control app. That is, some devices may not be compatible with certain applications;
  2. Download the remote control application on your cell phone;
  3. Follow the instructions on how to configure the application correctly to access the interface;
  4. Explore the features of your chosen remote control app to see everything it can do;
  5. Finally, enjoy the ability to control your devices from anywhere in the house!

In the internet world we live in today, it is more important than ever to be able to control our electronics from anywhere.

The Benefits of Using a Remote Control App

A remote control app can give us that control, and using it has many benefits.

With this tool, you can control various devices, from televisions and air conditioning to your home's gate.

They can also be used to control smart home devices like lights, thermostats, and security systems.

This means we can manage all of our devices from a single app and don't need to carry around several different remotes.

Another benefit of using a free remote control app is that we can customize the controls to suit our needs.

For example, we can create shortcuts for frequently used functions or we can create different profiles for different activities.


As seen, using the remote control on your cell phone is a great alternative for when you can't find the control or when you don't want to get up from where you are.

In this sense, the applications mentioned above are great options, just choose the one that best suits your needs and start controlling your devices using your cell phone right now!