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see how check your electricity bill on your cell phone and never miss a bill due date, in addition to knowing consumption details.

Everyone can access their electricity bill via their cell phone. See how simple it is, you just need a cell phone and Internet access.

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After all, most of us find it difficult to live without electricity. We need electricity everywhere.

This way, check your electricity bill with just a few clicks and you will never be without your account again.

What is the first step to checking your electricity bill?

First, you must access the application or website of the electricity company in your city, state or country.

In the case of Brazil, there is CPFL, Copel Cemig, among others. For those who live in Mexico, CFE is the choice.

To check your electricity bill, simply register your username and password. Only registered users can use the application.

When registering, you will need to provide some identification data, which will be used to access your account.

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This way you will register your property, thus facilitating access to all your accounts through the application.

Check your electricity bill after registering, it's all very simple, see what you have to continue.

Check your electricity bill

To access your electricity bill you will have to access your user account, then you will have to access the menu.

Look for the option “My registered receipts”, when you do this you will have two options, the first is to consult the bill in PDF.

If you want to have the invoice on hand, you can use this option, this way, just print the invoice and then pay.

However, some people may prefer to use an app to make digital payments. This may be an option for users who wish to do so.

Can I trust the app to check the electricity bill?

It is an application from the Mexican government itself, there is no other safer application.

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With this application you will have access to all the electricity bills you have paid in your home. Being able to query older accounts.

Check electricity consumption over time through the app. See how simple it is, just install the app on your mobile device.

Don't waste any more time, always have your electricity bill at hand, don't go without receiving your home's electricity bill.

Avoid late payments, always have receipts on your cell phone, all in a simple and quick way.

Check your electricity bill in a few clicks, install the app on your mobile device.

Which application can I use to consult?

At first you will have to install the CFE application to check your electricity bills

As stated above, it is a very reliable application provided and approved by the government of Mexico.

Android devices must access the app store to install the app on their device.

To pay your bills online, the application itself will teach you step by step. Check your electricity bill without delay and without difficulties, with just a few clicks on your cell phone.

Now everything will be easier, access your accounts on your cell phone.