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The time has come to find out which are the best apps to entertain children during a trip and put an end to their problems.

We know how difficult it is to take children on trips, as they have a lot of energy to spend and staying in a car for long hours can be very tiring.

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So, today we are going to recommend some apps to entertain children so you can have a very peaceful trip.

Why distract children while traveling?

During a trip, it is common for children to struggle a bit due to the lack of physical and mental activity.

Therefore, having an application installed on your cell phone can really “Save the country”. This is because stress occurs when the child is focused on activities.

And with this, you avoid crying, tantrums, mess and many other situations that could end up making the trip a little tiring.

Therefore, having an application capable of keeping the child entertained helps not only keep the situation in order but also safe.

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After all, when traveling by car, paying attention to the street, lane, highway or road is essential to prevent accidents from happening.

However, we have put together a list of the best apps to entertain children during a trip so you can stay calm during the trip.

Discover the applications:

Fun Foods!

As the first app on our list of apps to entertain children while traveling, we have Funny Food! Game for children aged 1 to 3 years.

Comidas Divertidas! Jogos educativos para crianças grátis. (PT OLD) / Jogos  em Português - YouTube

Even more, the game brings more 40 jokes educational and more 600 activities individual cases involving:

  • Cute food ordering
  • Combination of identical fruits.
  • Color memorization and much more.

Download for Android – Click here
Download for IOS – Click here

Children's Games for children.

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Next we have the Children's Games app for children, remembering that the app is suitable for ages 3 to 5 years old.

Jogos para crianças pequenas – Apps no Google Play

And using this app, your child will spend the entire trip doing 5 activities that will help them develop essential skills, such as:

  • Count to 10
  • Memorize images
  • Learn colors
  • Solve puzzles and more.

Download for Android – Click here
Download for IOS – Click here

Free Dog and Cat Story.

Finishing our list of apps to entertain children during a trip, we have the Free Dog and Cat Story app for children aged 6 to 9.

And by playing this game during the trip, your child will help the Dog and Cat search for the lost fairy, while learning:

  • Activities with attention training
  • Pattern memorization
  • How to get out of mazes
  • Various puzzles 
  • Sudoku
  • Detect a pattern to the sequence.

However, the game has many activities and as the adventure progresses, new interactive activities begin to appear.

Download for Android – Click here

We hope we made your trip much more fun and we look forward to seeing you in our next post.