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Have you ever tried to take that photo of the moon and it turned out horrible? Or was there a special moment when you went to take the photo and it was blurry or in low light? Know that many cell phones have a very powerful camera, even the simplest cell phones from years past.

The fact is that many companies hide functions and settings that make the camera look bad, but all it takes is a few tricks to make your photos look much better, and today I'm going to teach you how to unlock these tools.

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Tip 1: Use Applications

Did you know that your phone's camera icon is an app? Yes, made by the creator of the cell phone. But there are camera applications that enhance your device, a great example is Adobe Lightroom, the application is the favorite of professional photographers, and this is no coincidence, it is perfect, it has photo regulators and several pre-defined filters, leaving more vivid, sharper and higher quality photos.
Link to download for android: Adobe Lightroom

Another very good app is from GOOGLE itself, Google Camera, it unlocks new functions for your Android phone, my friend, you can't imagine the difference photos can have when taken with this app.
I leave here the link to download: Google Camera

Tip 2: Adjust the focus

This one seems obvious, but I promise you, it’s not! Many people don't understand how the cell phone's intelligence works when trying to focus, the fact is that the cell phone tries to focus on its own, it automatically identifies which is the focal point, for example, if you are on a beach and try to take a photo of yourself, the The cell phone must understand that the focal point is you, but if someone passes close to you, or the sea moves and moves, the cell phone can automatically change the focus point.

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To solve this, leave it on manual setting, and with your little finger, tap the focal point, ready, so your device will achieve the best possible focus!

Tip 3: Cleaning!

Come on, when was the last time you cleaned your cell phone camera, seriously, took a damp cloth and wiped it over the lens, then dried it with a dry cloth? Or worse, your film is cracked, dirty and you want to take good selfies?

Friend, there's no such thing as a miracle, even professional lenses need care, imagine our Samsung or Motorola, but come on, this is the third tip, wipe it down, keep your lens clean, and always change the film If it is very damaged or stained ok? This way your photos will always be sharp and clean.

Tip 4: Enjoy the light.

Photo capture is 100% connected to LIGHT, understanding how light works will help you take perfect photos, if you are in an open environment, see where the sunlight is and don't take photos against the light, take photos with the light , use sunlight as a tool.

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Don't use the flash, the flash is an artificial light, made to “break a deal” but in everyday life, it never helps, it always leaves the photo looking lifeless, without depth.

Tip 5: Get to know manual mode

One of the photographer's biggest differences for us, ordinary people, is knowledge of these tools, understanding how the manual mode of a cell phone works helps a lot.

With it you can regulate the amount of light that the cell phone receives, the photography time, etc., in fact, remember the photo of the moon? With a basic adjustment on your cell phone, it is possible to take photos of the moon with much better quality, just reduce the brightness captured by your cell phone and that's it, your photo will be 100% better.

This tool is also useful for shows, do this to avoid the photo being blown out.

That's it guys, now just do all this and leave your cell phone boosted and take great photos!